My kiddos need help washing their hands and they always love to see what I am doing in the kitchen on the counters but they obviously need a boost. I shopped around and purchased some booster steps and I was not in love with any of them.
They were either made out of plastic or were not slip proof. There was one that was actually a potty that converted into a step stool when the lid was shut. That's all I need, my kids going to the bathroom, then moving the potty to the sink (full of pee-pee) to wash their hands- a disaster waiting to happen!
So I went on a quest to find something that was sturdy and that could maybe use a little lovin' at the same time. I found this cute little number at a local thrift store and then added my mark as usual. It was actually pretty cute to begin with but it was dirty and needed paint not just soap. I also knew I could put my Silhouette to good work.
I essentially sanded it down and painted it and sanded again and then used my Silhiouette to come up with the words- Your'e a Thompson...step up! I thought it was fitting and since my twins are a boy and a girl, I needed to offset the pink-ness with some masculine words so my son doesn't hold a grudge against me down the road since my daughter loves all things pink.
The kids really love it and it is used every day. It makes cleaning up dirty fingers and peanut- buttery-hands much easier. It is also very sturdy and kind of heavy which I like.
I also keep the letters that I did not use in wax paper and lay them flat so I can use them for another project. That is one of the perks when you cut out letters or symbols. You can use the outline as a template and paint inside and them toss it in the trash and use the actual cut out letters for something when the time arises. Now, what can I use these letters on?
Have you finished any makeovers yet for your little ones? What are you planning on using your Silhouette on?
So, if you liked this post, please feel free to check out some more Silhouette creations with a collection of projects by some other great gals:
DIY Paper Star Lanterns by Me & My DIY
A Jar of Gratefulness by We ♥ Cards
Adding Easy Sketch Pen Detail to Silhouette Cuts by It Happens in a Blink
Laundry Room Labels by Unoriginal Mom
Magnetic Perpetual Calendar by Everydaypaper
Silhouette Fabric Ink {An Experiment} by Create & Babble
Playhouse Signs: Who Will We Be Today? by Suburble
How to Get a Second Wind Out of Your Gel Manicure by The Thinking Closet
DIY Graduation Gift by Super Sweet Life
A Silhouette Challenge by Home at Eight
Oval Coffee Table Reveal & More! by Give Me a Paintbrush
Stamped Gift Boxes by Coley's Corner
Monsters University T-Shirt by Tried & True
Travel Accessories for Vacation Mementos & Business by An Elegant Touch
A Silhouette Challenge Project by Mel Stampz
And if you are interested in joining us for our next posting event next month, we'd love to have you. Simply contact Lauren from The Thinking Closet by email.
I am linking up here: