Monday, August 26, 2013

Journal for your marriage

You may remember in March, that I had a post on journaling with your kids as a way to communicate deeper with them.  Well I was reading my daily intake of blogs and came across a post on having a couple's journal at the Dating Divas blog.

I remembered wanting to make the kiddy journal for when my kiddos are older and can actually write, but I spaced on making a marriage or couple's journal for me and my husband.  So with an eight year anniversary coming up, I knew what gift I was going to make for us.  A marriage journal.

I used a lighter colored sketch pen on this first attempt so it is a bit hard to read but still came out so pretty!


The idea of a journal with personalized pages seems like a great way to have better communication and a hearty laugh when needed.  I created the pages and images on Picmonkey, my favorite and then I transferred the images to my Silhouette Cameo software to print and make sure the images lined up 8.5 x 11 style.  I also wanted them in my library so I could add embellishments later and have the pages organized and easy to find.

The sketch pen with the Cameo turned out so pretty using Bergamot Ornaments from  The first page was my first attempt and it printed sketched very lightly, using the copper pen on black paper so I used a white sketch pen for the back page that you will see down below! 

These are some of the inserts that I created.  I will be able to add more down the line after I realize which pages are the most effective.

You can place anything in the journal entries you like but I chose to journal about things we can pray about together, things we can work on and things we just love about each other.  I wanted to keep it light or I would risk my hubby skipping out on it.  Who would not want to read nice things about themselves?  Exactly- so, keep it lighthearted if you want to ensure that your other half is going to participate!

Happy relationships to you all!

Tell me, what types of marriage things like this do you do or plan on doing to strengthen your communication?
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Mommy Monday Blog Hop
House on the Way