This week I am linking up with Sugar Bee Crafts , trying to explain How Blogging has changed my life. This is a fun post to write and probably right on time. Where do I start? Well, when I was five years old, and trying to figure life out, just kidding. I will fast forward a bit for sake of time. I think I wanted to start a blog a couple of years ago, but just could not sit down long enough to think of a title. Finally in late December 2012, I sat down and came up with the title and a first post! Although I have been blogging for less than 4 months, I have learned a lot and grown in a bunch of ways and I wanted to share them with you.
Let's back up a bit. As a mom of little kiddos, my typical day revolved around going to bed late, waking up early and trying to find projects during the day to take my mind off of the clock- and the countdown until dad came home. During that time I would try to conquer little projects around the house that needed attention mostly to give my brain and creativity a boost. I love my kiddos and I know I am literally shaping minds and changing worlds but let's face it- they are twins and have their own language and I am not using any of the words that I normally use either. My biggest word around the house was reduced to juice or milk or poo-poo. I needed an outlet where I could use big words again and quick!
I started following a couple of blogs out of the blue for some reason and then thought what the million of other moms or gals think, " you know, this looks fun, I should start writing a blog too." So, I did. I saw how people were interacting with others through comments and concerns and showing others their projects and fell in love with the whole thing. From that point on, I just tried to take it one day and a time, hoping that I will continue to blog for the long-haul and focused on slowing down and taking my time- a new and very foreign concept for me.
In the past 4 months, I have treated my blog like a blank canvas and the code as paint. I have tried to make the buttons and other embellishments, reflect my personality and create a space for myself.
In fact, while watching the Oscars, one of the winners, Leah Dunham-who I am not familiar with, who has a show called Girls, said it best and summed up what I was thinking. She was giving her acceptance speech and said that the show had made a space for her in the world. I thought that was right on because when you decide to write a blog and post and edit and re-arrange things, you are creating what you want to see and it is your right and privilege! So go for it! In a short time I have learned how to better organize, say no a little, say yes some more and be accountable in other areas. It has taught me to never give up even after my 4th hour of trying to figure out some small coding detail that has my head spinning, because after I figure it out- my head is in the clouds and I am excited that I surpassed another hurdle! I love it and am excited for the future!
How has blogging changed your life and what do you love about it. Visit Sugar Bee Crafts and let them know and check out some other stories while you are there.
Linking up here: