Monday, March 25, 2013

Kid / Parent Bedtime Journal...Have you made one yet?

My kids, as you guys already know are old enough to draw and paint with assistance, but not old enough to write legibly.  I am not wishing their lives away, I am glad to wait until this new stage hits.  In the meantime, I am planning to make some journals with them that we can all use together one day.

I was at a home school conference a few years back and one of the speakers was a woman who is on staff at a local church here- Life Church- where the You Version Bible app came from.

I have been to the church and it is great, but not my home church.  However, one of the ladies held a seminar at the home school convention where she said she uses journals with her kids to communicate.  She said that often when they get older, they may stop sharing as much as they used to due to feeling like parents might yell or judge them etc.  She started with her son and daughter if I am not mistaken, and it was a hit.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mom, Woman of Faith 3-23

This week, I have been asked to reflect on a question of my choosing  for the Mom, Woman of Faith series through Nancy, at her blog, Do small things with love. I immediately chose this one as it resonated with me so strongly.
How has God worked on your heart and changed you since you became a mother? 
Here is my response and some of the other ladies who bravely decided to respond as well!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How has blogging changed my life you ask?

Sugar Bee Crafts Blog

This  week I am linking up with  Sugar Bee Crafts , trying to explain  How Blogging has changed my life.  This is a fun post to write and probably right on time.  Where do I start?  Well, when I was five years old, and trying to figure life out, just kidding.  I will fast forward a bit for sake of time.  I think I wanted to start a blog a couple of years ago, but just could not sit down long enough to think of a title.  Finally in late December 2012, I sat down and came up with the title and a first post!  Although I have been blogging for less than 4 months, I have learned a lot and grown in a bunch of ways and I wanted to share them with you.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring- here I come!

This Springtime Glog I made was super fun and I had a blast making it.  There was although a point when I accidentally made the whole Glog into this picture of my daughter, when I meant it to be much smaller.  I went with it though and liked the way it turned out, (especially since I couldn't undo it).

I  want to make a few more with some fun scripture that I want to memorize or a cool chart that teaches the kids to clean up their toys after a full day of play.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My husband makes me look bad in front of the kids

My husband is a nice guy, real nice. He does however, show me up all the time.  He comes from a family of competitors and sports spectators and these things run through his veins. He will tell you it's not true but this is my blog and my speculations.

A collaboration of our great toy making powers

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mirror Makeover with wreath

I have been wanting to make a cute wreath for my bedroom for a while but did not know where I would hang it.  I also found a horribly decorated mirror with 2 million seashells plastered down all over it.
DIY disaster