*Financial compensation was not
received for this post. A sample product was gifted from ABCmouse.com so I could share my opinions with you.
Opinions expressed here are my own and boy am I excited to share!*
Well half of the tree is down, on our side and half remains but either way I unplugged all of the electronics during that storm and that is when the bookmark of ABCmouse.com was lost. It was about a week later that I also saw the same commercial for ABCmouse.com and looked it up and thought, wow, this is good! Now I know why my husband thought I should check it out. I initially went on the website and signed up and received a free month to check it out and see what I thought. I liked that they did not ask for credit card information at the time but just allowed me to sign up.
So I sat down with the twins and gave it a go. Oh my goodness, they both took off with it right away. This is a miracle because they both have a learning style that is unique and they learn very differently from each other as I can see so far. But, they both really liked it and over the course of the week asked for it every time they saw the commercial and heard that catchy bell-ringy sound that comes on when you go to the website. Sometimes when I turn the computer screen on, the sound comes on and they run over to get a dose of it and I have to tell them that we will have to wait a little while so I can check my email then we can go on it. I have since turned the volume down because when they hear that bell they are ready to learn. Don't get me wrong, this is a great thing but hey, I gotta check email first, right?
This program is fantastic for me because they really are excited to learn on the computer. I am also excited because for at least a year or more, I won't have to purchase many physical homeschool things. I already bought a laminator and have printed countless charts with letters and numbers etc, etc, but they are really liking this computer thing so I will hold off on printing from other websites and start looking for printables from ABCmouse.com instead.
It is funny because my daughter who does not speak in too many full sentences cracked us up when she said "come on mommy, abc dot com" I thought, did she really say "dot com"? I will have to thank the commercial writers who have obviously penetrated the minds of young toddlers so well.
And if I forgot to mention, ABCmouse.com is intended for kids from preschool through kindergarten which is a good length of time especially if you start now. They have a tutorial that helps kids to understand how to use the mouse on the computer so they can click and point on their own but that is a feature I will hold off on and I don't mind pointing for them and helping them learn how to use the mouse as we go. They have printables, songs that are sung as a book is read while the letters on the screen are highlighted so kids can see the reading process in action and they have tickets that the character mouse dispenses after each lesson is completed so you can purchase things to build up your virtual world. For instance, my son loves music, so we have bought a guitar, drum set and ukulele so that when we go to his room on the website, we click these instruments and they make fun sounds to further teach what different instruments can do.
ABCmouse.com helps them to learn in a multi-faceted way. It may seem like they are working on colors, but at the same time, they are working on shapes and memory recognition and a whole lot of other things. Give it a try and tell me what you think. There are lots of learning styles out there and lots of learners and I am glad to have landed on this one. I also have a free code to give to 1 wonderful winner, for a 1 year free subscription so you can take a test drive for yourself.
Also many teachers are using this with their students in the classroom so you may have a teacher friend in mind who you can win this for!
Hope you enjoy it. Thanks a bunch!
I am actually very excited to share ABCmouse.com with you as a teacher and as a mother who gets joy from seeing her children learn and have fun while doing it! So here is the story:
My husband saw a great commercial on TV and it was for ABCmouse.com. This is a children's learning academy website that is interactive. He mentioned it to me and said he thought it looked really great from the commercial. He even opened up the website for me and told me to take a look. He loves the fact that I am homeschooling our kiddos and often gives me carte blanche with their learning. That is why I thought it was neat that he was so persistent about this program. I did not think much about it and went to bed. At some point over the next day or so, there was a big storm, there was ice, there was sleet and down went our tree that we share with a neighbor through a fence. I know, it's kind of weird but we have a wooden fence that has a big gap in it with a tree growing through it that is smack dab in the middle of both property lines.Well half of the tree is down, on our side and half remains but either way I unplugged all of the electronics during that storm and that is when the bookmark of ABCmouse.com was lost. It was about a week later that I also saw the same commercial for ABCmouse.com and looked it up and thought, wow, this is good! Now I know why my husband thought I should check it out. I initially went on the website and signed up and received a free month to check it out and see what I thought. I liked that they did not ask for credit card information at the time but just allowed me to sign up.
So I sat down with the twins and gave it a go. Oh my goodness, they both took off with it right away. This is a miracle because they both have a learning style that is unique and they learn very differently from each other as I can see so far. But, they both really liked it and over the course of the week asked for it every time they saw the commercial and heard that catchy bell-ringy sound that comes on when you go to the website. Sometimes when I turn the computer screen on, the sound comes on and they run over to get a dose of it and I have to tell them that we will have to wait a little while so I can check my email then we can go on it. I have since turned the volume down because when they hear that bell they are ready to learn. Don't get me wrong, this is a great thing but hey, I gotta check email first, right?
This program is fantastic for me because they really are excited to learn on the computer. I am also excited because for at least a year or more, I won't have to purchase many physical homeschool things. I already bought a laminator and have printed countless charts with letters and numbers etc, etc, but they are really liking this computer thing so I will hold off on printing from other websites and start looking for printables from ABCmouse.com instead.
It is funny because my daughter who does not speak in too many full sentences cracked us up when she said "come on mommy, abc dot com" I thought, did she really say "dot com"? I will have to thank the commercial writers who have obviously penetrated the minds of young toddlers so well.
And if I forgot to mention, ABCmouse.com is intended for kids from preschool through kindergarten which is a good length of time especially if you start now. They have a tutorial that helps kids to understand how to use the mouse on the computer so they can click and point on their own but that is a feature I will hold off on and I don't mind pointing for them and helping them learn how to use the mouse as we go. They have printables, songs that are sung as a book is read while the letters on the screen are highlighted so kids can see the reading process in action and they have tickets that the character mouse dispenses after each lesson is completed so you can purchase things to build up your virtual world. For instance, my son loves music, so we have bought a guitar, drum set and ukulele so that when we go to his room on the website, we click these instruments and they make fun sounds to further teach what different instruments can do.
ABCmouse.com helps them to learn in a multi-faceted way. It may seem like they are working on colors, but at the same time, they are working on shapes and memory recognition and a whole lot of other things. Give it a try and tell me what you think. There are lots of learning styles out there and lots of learners and I am glad to have landed on this one. I also have a free code to give to 1 wonderful winner, for a 1 year free subscription so you can take a test drive for yourself.
Also many teachers are using this with their students in the classroom so you may have a teacher friend in mind who you can win this for!
Hope you enjoy it. Thanks a bunch!