Monday, January 7, 2013

Knowing Your Value {what I learned from a shawl}

The shawl 


Happy new year and I hope all is well with all of you guys or y'all as I am more used to saying!
I just wanted to give some encouragement for the new year and try to lift some spirits or keep the ones high that are already lifted up!

Essentially I wanted to share a story with you about a pretty shawl I purchased- you know, a wrap or big scarf.

Well, I found this really interesting shawl and it is a kinda reddish/pinkish color.  At first I thought it was a throw- like a small blanket or something else...The tag was missing but it was in perfect condition, not even a thread was pulled.  So I thought that if I can get it at a good price I will use it for something even if I use it for something other than its original purpose!  Score, got it DIRT cheap.  It would be too insulting for me to tell you how much.

Well I purchased it and have worn it a few times and really like it but the other day I came across the same one in another store only it was blue.  Dah-da-da.  (dramatic pause) and had a tag on the back.  It was from  This is a store that I enjoy browsing online and I think that the clothes are cute but I really don't make purchases there.  I think that although the clothes are a great quality, they are right now out of my budget. I am a big T.J. Maxx fan, and really don't even know the last time I shopped there as I have been pretty busy with weddings and holidays as of late.  But the point is, this shawl, which I can't find online right now, was probably worth a pretty penny right out of the box.  The color, quality and name associated with it tell me that.

Before I knew the company name, I was considering using it as a table cloth or under the Christmas tree as the skirt or for whatever I thought it would function well as.  Now that I know that it is in fact a wrap from a store with a good reputation, I have been wearing it with a whole new zeal.  OK, so you ready for the lesson in all this?  It made me think of how we can value or devalue ourselves so easily.  Unless someone acknowledges us personally or we receive some accolade, we sometimes think we are not important.  Sometime though, we need to peek at our necks and see the tags that we are made with and realize we were divinely created and DO have a sense of purpose and a great plan for our lives!

I am finding out mine.  Have you discovered yours?  What is it?  Who's neck have you peeked at lately?




  1. I love this, Kelly! And love that the Lord revealed a greater purpose for you through a shawl!

    I'm praying that the Lord will continue to reveal himself to you, in mighty ways!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up with Tuesday's Prayers!


  2. Thank you a bunch, I appreciate it!

  3. Oh Kelly, this is a beautiful lesson you've shared with us, and one I {confess} I tend to have to remind myself of often. I am so honored that you chose to link up with us through Tuesday's Prayers and am praying blessings of peace, joy, and protection over your life. I also pray that God continues to reveal His wisdom, so that you are able to share your knowledge with others. Your post has been a blessing to me today, and I'm thankful for it and for you! Now following and looking forward to reading more. :-)

    1. Trinity, thanks for reading and I am honored to be able to link up with y'all. I love to pray and do so all the time so it makes sense to be in a circle of prayer! Have a good day!


Thank you for all of your comments. I read, appreciate and reply to them all.